September 9, 2009

Come on In!

Welcome to Rotary Grants Guru!

This site is intended to provide ideas, opportunities, updates, and reminders about the process of getting funding to underwrite the humanitarian work of Rotary around the world. Rotary clubs generate financial resources from event proceeds, community activity, and direct fund-raising appeals, but, most Rotary service projects are funded by grants.

These posts are meant to help Rotarian colleagues in District 6940 in Northwest Florida, but many tips will be useful to all Rotary grant-seekers.

The site will also serve as an electronic Bulletin Board where Rotarians seeking partners and sponsors for service projects and grant applications can give an "elevator speech" explaining why they should get your attention and/or money.

Content is based on the Aims of Rotary and the Four-Way Test, but this is not an official Rotary site and the author is not a spokesperson for The Rotary Foundation. For resources and information about Rotary, go to

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