November 4, 2011

Matching Grant Projects Seeking Sponsors

Literacy Education Classes in Costa Rica                              Panama City Beaches / Jim Adamczyk
This project will provide basic classes in English and Spanish for illiterate adults, and provide them with a dictionary, to help them get a job and provide for families Working with Alfalit International .

Shoes for Children in Costa Rica                                         Pensacola Subwest / Trisha Woodburn
This project will contract with local shoemaker to provide shoes for children, a requirement to attend school in Costa Rica. This project will be implemented in 2013 school year, with application submitted in March.

Rotary Youth Camps                         Quincy / Jan Rogers
This project will add extra week of camp activity in summer 2012 at North Florida Rotary Youth Camp, designated for older teens/young adults with disabilities and provide respite for their caregivers. Grant will continue our partnership with Castleton Youth Camp in Sheffield, UK.

Clean Water Business in Haiti       Tallahassee / Larry Kubiak
This project will build storage tanks to collect potable water for schools and orphanages, and generate revenue by selling excess water in the community.  Working with Hope for Haiti organization.

Haitian Recovery Projects              TRF Haiti Task Force
District Governor seeks D-6940 participation in project to rebuild a school or orphanage as part of the Earthquake Recovery in Haiti. All Rotary projects are managed by Haiti Task Force and D-7020.  We are working to identify project where clubs can use DDF shares. Contact Christine if your club is interested.

Specialty Youth Wheelchairs in Costa Rica                           Pensacola Five Flags / Ron Gillette
Continuation of project that builds and distributes specialty wheelchairs to provide mobility and independence for youth with severe physical disabilities. Working with Rotarians in San Pedro region.

Water Wells for Villages in India     Tallahassee / Ivan Johnson
This project will fund bore wells to provide clean water for residents of rural communities in Andhra Pradesh province.  This region was site of our GSE partnership in 2010.

School Desks for Students in India                                          Pensacola / Kathy Horton-Brown
This project will provide desks and benches in rural schools in southern India.  

Computers for At-Risk Students in Pensacola                 Cantonment / Deb Hild
Working with Rotary Partner in Costa Rica on project that will provide new computers and software for urban schools with high number of at-risk students.

We expect to have opportunities to work with Rotarians in D-4680, Southern Brasil, where our 2012-2013 GSE visits will take place. 
Contact Christine if your club is interested in a project in Brasil.

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